Day: June 29, 2020

Coronavirus cancellations, delays, changes: Super Nintendo World, Outside Lands and more – CNET

Tech conferences, movies, music fests, political rallies and sports events have all been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. …read more Source:: CNet

Amazon to pay $500 million in bonuses for workers most exposed to coronavirus – CNET

It’s giving out one-time Thank-You bonuses to its front-line employees. …read more Source:: CNet

It’s summer! Try out these smart home gadgets for your yard – CNET

Discover the latest smart home gadgets for your garden and your yard. …read more Source:: CNet

Today’s car safety tech could save thousands of lives if standard, study says – Roadshow

Automatic emergency braking and blind-spot detectors could go a long way in saving lives, Consumer Reports’ latest study says. …read more Source:: CNet

Apple Declined To Implement 16 Web APIs in Safari Due To Privacy Concerns

Apple said last week that it declined to implement 16 new web technologies (Web APIs) in Safari because they posed a threat to user privacy by opening new avenues for user fingerprinting. Technologies that Apple declined to include in Safari because of user fingerprinting concerns include: Web Bluetooth – Allows websites to connect to nearby…

Come glide with me: Virgin Galactic gives Unity some fresh air, looks forward to rocket-powered flight

Plus: On-orbit battery replacement and scrub-a-dub-dub, my launch is a dud? In brief Spaceport America took another tentative step toward actually being a spaceport last week as Virgin Galactic took its SpaceShipTwo for another glide back to the runway.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Updating the Language of SPI Pin Labels to Remove Casual References to Slavery

This morning the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) announced a resolution for changing the way SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) pins are labelled on hardware and in datasheets. The protocol originally included MOSI/MISO references that stand for “Master Out, Slave In” and “Master In, Slave Out”. Some companies and individuals have stopped using these terms over…

Nikola Badger reservations open as CEO takes veiled jab at Tesla – Roadshow

Nikola asks for a $5,000 deposit without showing an actual prototype pickup. …read more Source:: CNet

Facebook ad boycott campaign calls on global companies to act – CNET

“The next frontier is global pressure,” says organizers. …read more Source:: CNet

Tall Order for Small Businesses: 3 Tips to Find Tailored Security Solutions

SMBs are responsible for nearly 44% of US economic activity, but given the current climate, it can be difficult for them to find available and/or affordable resources. …read more Source:: DarkReading