Day: August 26, 2020

You’ve Never Seen This RetroPie Emulator Console: Watermelon

The Raspberry Pi is a hugely popular platform for emulating older consoles, with the RetroPie framework making it easy to get started in no time at all. Often, these single board computers get built into fun arcade boxes or replica console shells to add to the charm. That’s all been done, so instead, [Cedishappy] decided…

My crow soft adds audio transcription to premium Word Online… Only joking. It’s pretty good if a bit on the slow side

And certainly not the best service of its kind out there Hands-on Microsoft has added audio transcription to the paid-for version of Word Online, the in-browser edition of its ubiquitous word processor.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

New Zealand Stock Exchange Halted By DDoS Attack

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Russian Arrested Trying To Hack A Nevada Company

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Disinformation Spurs a Thriving Industry as U.S. Election Looms

Threat actors are becoming increasingly sophisticated in launching disinformation campaigns – and staying under the radar to avoid detection from Facebook, Twitter and other platforms. …read more Source:: Threatpost

With More Use of Cloud, Passwords Become Even Weaker Link

Slow patching provides vulnerabilities to exploit. A lack of network segmentation allows unrestricted lateral movement. Yet a report surveying a year of penetration tests finds that passwords still top the list of what attackers use to compromise systems. …read more Source:: DarkReading

Unredacted Suit Shows Google’s Own Engineers Confused By Privacy Settings

schwit1 writes: Newly unsealed and partially unredacted documents from a consumer fraud suit the state of Arizona filed against Google show that company employees knew and discussed among themselves that the company’s location privacy settings were confusing and potentially misleading. Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s office launched its own investigation following the AP report, and…

Conflict of interest? We’ve heard of it. AWS on selection panel to choose’s chief digi officer

‘Highly inappropriate’ comments senior civil servant Again highlighting cosy relations between Amazon’s cloudy biz and, Alex Chisholm, permanent secretary for the Cabinet Office and head of the civil service, has confirmed that AWS UK’s head Doug Gurr will sit on a panel that chooses the next government chief digital officer (GCDO).… …read more Source::…

How Bose headphones helped a beginner become a poker champion

Maria Konnikova is a writer who decided to learn about professional poker. She discovered she needed noise-canceling headphones to deal with male players and their sexist nonsense. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Deep Fake: Setting the Stage for Next-Gen Social Engineering

Humans are susceptible to normalcy bias, which may leave us vulnerable to disinformation that reinforces our beliefs. …read more Source:: DarkReading