Day: December 25, 2020

Best smart garage door controllers for 2021: Chamberlain MyQ, Tailwind and more – CNET

Making your existing garage door opener smart is easy with these add on controllers. …read more Source:: CNet

COVID-19, presidential election top Wikipedia’s most-read articles in 2020 – CNET

The online encyclopedia’s year was a lot like everyone else’s. …read more Source:: CNet

Crypto’s Big Rupture Is Coming In 2021

An anonymous reader shares an opinion piece from CoinDesk, written by Ryan Zurrer. Zurrer is founder of Dialectic AG, an alternative-assets focused multi-family office. Previously, he was a Director at the Web3 Foundation and led the investment team at Polychain Capital, pioneering the SAFT as a legitimate investment instrument. From the report: Crypto is set…

Is This The World’s Smallest Nintendo 64?

A niche activity in console fandom is the shrinking of full-size consoles to smaller formats, taking what could once only be played on the family TV into portable formats that fit in the pocket. In a particularly impressive example of the art, [GmanModz] has made what he claims is the world’s smallest portable Nintendo 64….

My website has raised its anchor and set sail into the internet oceans without me

A ghost-ship story for Christmas Something for the Weekend, Sir? Account suspended. Er, wot? [F5, spin spin] … Account suspended.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

iPhone 12 Pro’s lidar feature: See it in action with this 3D-scanning app – CNET

House-scanning app Canvas works with lidar on the iPhone 12 Pro, but also scans without it. The difference is accuracy. …read more Source:: CNet

Korean Artificial Sun Sets the New World Record of 20-Sec-Long Operation At 100 Million Degrees

The Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research(KSTAR), a superconducting fusion device also known as the Korean artificial sun, set the new world record as it succeeded in maintaining the high temperature plasma for 20 seconds with an ion temperature over 100 million degrees. Phys.Org reports: On November 24 (Tuesday), the KSTAR Research Center at the Korea…

A pub denied: One man’s tale of festive frolics postponed by the curse of the On Call phone

Just a little jiggle 12BoC On the first day of Christmas, the bork gods sent to me: a server they said had ceased to be. Welcome to the Twelve Borks of Christmas (12BoC): a collection of Register reader stories of amusing and frustrating tech sightings over the festive period.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Tank Track Skateboard

As electric skateboards kits and components become more commonly available, you really need to do something different to make your custom board stand out. [Emiel] [The Practical Engineer] has managed to do this by building a half-track skateboard. (Video, embedded below.) Except for the front trucks, fasteners and bearings, all the mechanical components on the…

Video Taken By Pilots of What Could Be the Elusive Los Angeles Jet Pack Guy Emerges

We now have credible video of what appears to be the elusive “Jet Pack Guy” flying around at thousands of feet near Los Angeles International Airport. The Drive reports: The footage doesn’t come to us from some random Reddit board or YouTube channel, either. It was taken during an instructional flight from Sling Pilot Academy…