Day: July 31, 2021

2021 is the Year of the Gaming Handheld – CNET

Commentary: Four new systems coming out this fall from Nintendo, Valve and others are bringing portable gaming back into the spotlight. Here’s what to expect from all of them. …read more Source:: CNet

It’s time to put the headphone jack behind us – CNET

Commentary: With huge advances in wireless audio, is the humble 3.5mm headphone jack as crucial as it once was? …read more Source:: CNet

9 great reads from CNET this week: COVID protests, algorithms, swimming pools and more – CNET

We look at pandemic pushback, algorithms setting the rhythms of our daily lives, an Airbnb-style business for swimming pools and much more. …read more Source:: CNet

A LiPo Cell Makes A 4AA Pack For A GameBoy

Electronic toys of yesteryear were fantastic objects of desire, but came with the fatal flaw of requiring batteries. Batteries that cost more than the average youngster’s pocket money and for which the pestered parent were usually unwilling to fork out every couple of days to support an incessant playing habit. It’s something [Sen] has addressed…

Someone Made a Playable Clone of Pokemon For the Pebble Smartwatch

Developer Harrison Allen has developed a playable clone of Pokemon for the Pebble smartwatch, which was officially discontinued in late 2016 after the company was sold to Fitbit. Gizmodo reports: According to the game’s developer, Harrison Allen, Pebblemon uses a graphics library they created that replicates Pokémon Yellow, which was the first version of the…

Google Pixel 6 rumors: The latest release date, price and Whitechapel chip buzz – CNET

Google’s new Pixel could be coming in the next few months. Here’s every rumor we’ve heard so far about the upcoming Pixel 6. …read more Source:: CNet

Developing The First ICs In Orbit

Over six decades of integrated circuit production we’ve become used to their extreme reliability and performance for a very reasonable price. But what about those first integrated circuits from the early 1960s? Commercial integrated circuits appeared in 1961, and recently Texas Instruments published a fascinating retrospective on the development of their first few digital ICs….

Sysadmins: Why not simply verify there’s no backdoor in every program you install, and thus avoid any cyber-drama?

Just ‘validate third-party code before using it’, says Euro body Half of publicly reported supply chain attacks were carried out by “well known APT groups”, according to an analysis by EU infosec agency ENISA, which warned such digital assaults need to drive “new protective methods.”… …read more Source:: Register

Government Denies Blue Origin’s Challenge To NASA’s Lunar Lander Program

The U.S. Government Accountability Office on Friday denied protests from companies affiliated with Jeff Bezos that NASA wrongly awarded a lucrative astronaut lunar lander contract solely to Elon Musk’s SpaceX. CNBC reports: “NASA did not violate procurement law or regulation when it decided to make only one award … the evaluation of all three proposals…

Best Chicago internet provider 2021: Local ISPs

We’ve reviewed more than 20 of the top providers in Chicago, including each company’s coverage area, connection types, speeds, and customer service, to help you make your decision. …read more Source:: ZDNet