Day: September 28, 2021

Remember Atlis? Startup debuts prototype XT electric pickup truck – Roadshow

The startup promises up to a 500-mile range and a work truck that will recharge in just 15 minutes. …read more Source:: CNet

UK driving cryptocurrency adoption in Europe with $170 billion in activity for ’20-’21

Central, Northern and Western Europe have the biggest cryptocurrency economy in the world with more than $1 trillion worth of cryptocurrency received over the last year. …read more Source:: ZDNet

The best tech certifications for every IT professional

Tech certifications can launch your tech career, establish your credentials, or land you a promotion. Find 2021’s must-have certifications here. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Is Lab-Grown Coffee Worth a Hill of Beans?

Historically, coffee has needed two things to grow successfully — a decent altitude and a warm climate. Now, a group of scientists from the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland have managed to grow coffee in a lab. They started by culturing coffee plant cells, and then planted them in bioreactors full of nutrient-rich growing…

Texas cops sue Tesla claiming ‘systematic fraud’ in Autopilot after Model X ploughed into two parked police cars

Five officers seek $20m in damages from car maker and local restaurant Five Texas residents have filed a lawsuit against Tesla and a local restaurant after an alleged drink-driver ploughed a Model X into the back of two parked police cruisers.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

CIA Officials Under Trump Discussed Assassinating Julian Assange

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Credential Spear-Phishing Uses Spoofed Zix Encrypted Email

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

UK Umbrella Payroll Firm GiantPay Confirms Attack

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Microsoft Warns Of Malware With Persistent Backdoor For Hackers

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

GNOME 41: The next-generation Linux desktop

This version of the GNOME desktop isn’t an end to itself but a step forward to building a new, better GNOME. …read more Source:: ZDNet