Day: October 9, 2021

Neuroscientists Roll Out First Comprehensive Atlas of Brain Cells

A slew of 17 studies reveals the first comprehensive list of all cell types in the primary motor complex, offering “a starting point for tracing cellular networks to understand how they control our body and mind and how they are disrupted in mental and physical disorders,” reports ScienceDaily. From the report: The 17 studies, appearing…

Python Provides Classic Basic

Back in the late 1970s and early 1980s when you turned on a PC, more often than not, you’d get a Basic prompt. Most people would then load a game from a tape, but if you were inclined to program you could just start writing. [Richpl] wanted that same experience and thus PyBasic was born….

Xbox’s Cloud Streaming Upgrade Means You Might Not Need A Series X

Speaking to The Verge, representatives for Microsoft confirmed that Xbox cloud gaming now runs entirely on Xbox Series X hardware, wrapping up a backend upgrade that quietly kicked off over the summer. Kotaku reports: So, what’s that mean? For one, the Xbox Series X can output games in 4K resolution. Though cloud gaming currently streams…

Google Warns 14,000 Gmail Users Targeted By Russian Hackers

Google has warned about 14,000 of its users about being targeted in a state-sponsored phishing campaign from APT28, a threat group that has been linked to Russia. BleepingComputer reports: Shane Huntley, who is at the helm of Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) that responds to government-backed hacking, notes that the higher-than-usual number of alerts this…

Apple begins appeal of Epic Games Fortnite case, seeks delay to court-ordered App Store changes – CNET

The tech giant files a notice of appeal and asks to put on hold orders from a US district judge that would require changes to its App Store. …read more Source:: CNet

136 Countries Agree To Minimum Corporate Tax Rate

A group of 136 countries have agreed to a global treaty that would tax large multinationals at a minimum rate of 15% and require companies to pay taxes in the countries where they do business. CNN reports: Estonia, Hungary and — most notably — Ireland joined the agreement Thursday. It is now supported by all…

Home Depot vs. Lowe’s Credit Card: Which is right for you?

Ready to start your next home project and considering a store credit card to finance it? Check out this Home Depot vs. Lowe’s Credit Card comparison to help you decide which card offers the most benefits. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Hulu: 10 of the best films to watch tonight – CNET

Get some toast to throw: The Rocky Horror Picture Show is now streaming on Hulu. …read more Source:: CNet

iPhone Apps No Better For Privacy Than Android, Oxford Study Finds

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Tom’s Guide: A new survey has reached a startling conclusion: iPhone apps tend to violate your privacy just as often as Android apps do. “Overall, we find that neither platform is clearly better than the other for privacy across the dimensions we studied,” say the academic paper entitled…

3D Printed Preschooler Proof MP3 Player Takes A Beat-ing

Prototyping new ideas can be a lot of fun, but putting new projects in a durable enclosure can be a difficulty. This is especially the case when the user of this product is one of the most destructive forces in nature: A toddler! This is the circumstance that [blue blade] found himself in when he…