Day: October 22, 2021

US senators urge FCC to address surveillance threats to telecom networks

U.S. senators urged the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to address surveillance threats posed by foreign corporations managing U.S. telecommunications providers. …read more Source:: SecurityMagazine

Smartphone sales are giving 5G deployments an unintended boost

Consumers don’t need 5G, yet they are buying 5G-enabled phones. That’s good news for network providers. …read more Source:: ZDNet

India Crosses the Milestone of 1 Billion COVID-19 Vaccinations

India has administered 1 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine, officials said Thursday, passing a milestone for the South Asian country where the delta variant fueled its first crushing surge earlier this year. From a report: About 75% of India’s total eligible adult population have received at least one dose, while around 30% are fully immunized….

Microsoft investor urges shareholders to vote for a deep dive into pay gap and harassment policies

More transparency and reporting needed, says Arunja Capital Accusations of harassment and concerns over pay gaps continue to dog Microsoft as shareholders were urged by investor Arunja Capital to vote for the software giant to release transparency reports.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Mystery HP Gear Teardown

What’s round, has what looks like a vacuum tube in the center, and was made in the 1950s by HP? We don’t know either, but [The Signal Path] restored one and shows us this mystery instrument in a recent video that you can see below. We aren’t going to spoil the surprise over what the…

Cisco SD-WAN Security Bug Allows Root Code Execution

The high-severity bug, tracked as CVE-2021-1529, is an OS command-injection flaw. …read more Source:: Threatpost

With Coercion and Black Boxes, Russia Installs a Digital Iron Curtain

Russia’s boldest moves to censor the internet began in the most mundane of ways — with a series of bureaucratic emails and forms. From a report: The messages, sent by Russia’s powerful internet regulator, demanded technical details — like traffic numbers, equipment specifications and connection speeds — from companies that provide internet and telecommunications services…

US drops tariff threat against nations who dished out digital taxes to American tech giants as OECD members hash out new deal

15% tax minimum to hit tech firms The US government and administrations in Europe have come to an agreement that will drop the threat of tariffs in response to policies on digital services taxes (DSTs).… …read more Source:: TheRegister

PlayStation State of Play: Start time, how to watch the October livestream – CNET

It’ll look at upcoming PS5 and PS4 third-party releases. …read more Source:: CNet

Snag two foam rollers for just $7 each – CNET

Get a good stretch going for very little money. …read more Source:: CNet