Month: August 2013

Cloud service provider code will remain voluntary: Fed Govt

“Inappropriate” to regulate cloud services market at this stage; concerns cloud regulation could stifle innovation, duplicate existing consumer protections…….

Ask Slashdot: Speeding Up Personal Anti-Spam Filters?

New submitter hmilz writes “I’ve been using procmail for years to filter my incoming mail, and over time a long list of spam patterns was created. The good thing about the patterns is, there are practically no false positives, and practically no false negatives, i.e. I see each new spam exactly once, and lose no…

China confirms plans for first Moon visit later this year

First a rover, next a taikonaut, then a colony……

Microsoft cedes board seat to activist investor

Ballmer bowing out as ValueAct storms in……

Crave Ep. 135: MySpace all over again: Facebook gets GIFs

You’ll be shocked (literally shocked) to realize how much time you spend on Facebook. Plus, a couch that can balance on one leg, and the worst celebrity-branded tech products ever…….

Kindle refund more than doubles in e-book settlement

Amazon says customers who previously purchased books from the publishers involved in the Apple e-book settlement are estimated to receive between $0.73 to $3.82 per Kindle book…….

CoreText bug may crash OS X and iOS apps

A flaw in Apple’s text-handling routines may cause a number of OS X and iOS programs and services to crash and could be used for potential nefarious purposes…….

Will Robots Replace Rent-a-Cops?

Daniel_Stuckey writes “Now, an EU-funded, £7.2 million ($11 million USD) collaborative project, called Strands, is underway in England to develop 4D, artificial intelligence for security and care applications. It aims to produce intelligent robo-sentinels that can patrol areas, and learn to detect abnormalities in human behavior. Could their project eventually replace security guards with robots?…

Microsoft takes second run at platform cloud

Windows Server 2012 R2 tries to rehabilitate PaaS tech……

Minas Gerais kicks off multimillion-dollar tech startup program

Initiative will see the acceleration of 120 early-stage ventures by the end of 2014……