Month: August 2013

Options for checking free hard-drive space in OS X

Running low on disk space can greatly slow down your computer. Here are several ways to look this up on your system…….

Microsoft, Google to sue over FISA gag order

Google and Microsoft plan to sue the government, demanding the right to publicly discuss any surveillance requests served up by the FISA court…….

Microsoft Internet Explorer Protected Mode Sandbox Bypass

VUPEN Vulnerability Research Team discovered a critical vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Explorer. The vulnerability is caused by a memory corruption error in the IE broker process when copying certain data, which could be exploited by remote attackers to bypass IE Protected Mode sandbox and execute arbitrary code with Medium integrity permissions…….

Microsoft and Google Challenge US Government Gag Orders

First time accepted submitter ace37 writes “Microsoft says it plans to move ahead with a lawsuit filed against the U.S. government in June to affirm the right of businesses to disclose limited information about government demands for data made under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In separate legal filings, Microsoft and Google challenged the…

6 Android tablet apps to help get you in the back-to-school spirit

Heading back to school with a shiny-new Android tablet in your backpack? These six apps might be just what you need…….

Google smartwatch expected following WIMM Labs acquisition

UPDATED: The wearables war is officially on…….

Apple Launches iPhone Trade-In Program

An anonymous reader writes “Today Apple announced the launch of a trade-in program for iPhones. Users will be able to send in their older devices and get credit toward new ones. The announcement precedes an event on Sept. 10th at which Apple is expected to announce a new iPhone model. The trade-in program is being…

Are marketing executives growing their own IT departments?

Accenture survey finds chief marketing officers aren’t happy with the pace of enterprise technology, and are taking their own paths…….

Facebook trials trending topics on Web

Like Twitter, the social network wants to link members to buzz-worthy memes…….

Concussion bot to debut at Northern Arizona football game

Mayo Clinic researchers are gearing up to test their new teleconcussion robot on the sidelines of tonight’s Northern Arizona University football game…….