This Metasploit module exploits vulnerabilities found in Astium astium-confweb-2.1-25399 RPM and lower. A SQL Injection vulnerability is used to achieve authentication bypass and gain admin access. From an admin session arbitrary PHP code upload is possible. It is used to add the final PHP payload to “/usr/local/astium/web/php/config.php” and execute the “sudo /sbin/service astcfgd reload” command to reload the configuration and achieve remote root code execution…. This Metasploit module exploits vulnerabilities found in Astium astium-confweb-2.1-25399 RPM and lower. A SQL Injection vulnerability is used to achieve authentication bypass and gain admin access. From an admin session arbitrary PHP code upload is possible. It is used to add the final PHP payload to “/usr/local/astium/web/php/config.php” and execute the “sudo /sbin/service astcfgd reload” command to reload the configuration and achieve remote root code execution.
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