another random user sends this news from the BBC: “Edward Snowden, the fugitive American former intelligence worker, has made the shortlist of three for the Sakharov prize, Europe’s top human rights award. Mr Snowden was nominated by Green politicians in the European Parliament for leaking details of U.S. surveillance. Nominees also include Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani teenager shot in the head for demanding education for girls. Former recipients of the prize, awarded by the European Parliament, include Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi. Mr Snowden’s nomination recognized that his disclosure of U.S. surveillance activities was an ‘enormous service’ to human rights and European citizens, the parliament’s Green group said.”… another random user sends this news from the BBC: “Edward Snowden, the fugitive American former intelligence worker, has made the shortlist of three for the Sakharov prize, Europe’s top human rights award. Mr Snowden was nominated by Green politicians in the European Parliament for leaking details of U.S. surveillance. Nominees also include Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani teenager shot in the head for demanding education for girls. Former recipients of the prize, awarded by the European Parliament, include Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi. Mr Snowden’s nomination recognized that his disclosure of U.S. surveillance activities was an ‘enormous service’ to human rights and European citizens, the parliament’s Green group said.”

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