According to The Washington Post, Twitter has suspended 70 million accounts in the past two months as part of a crackdown on malicious activity on its platform. “The rate of suspensions for May and June is reportedly twice the company’s October 2017 suspension rate,” reports The Verge. From the report: In a blog post last month, Twitter said it had been working to improve its safety policies, and that its “systems identified and challenged more than 9.9 million potentially spammy or automated accounts per week.”

The Post reports that the change in enforcement could cause a decline in users for the company’s second quarter, although a Twitter executive told the publication that many of the accounts rarely tweeted, and would therefore not dramatically impact the company’s active user count. A Twitter spokesperson said in a statement to The Verge that the company noted in its first-quarter shareholder letter this year that âoeongoing information quality effortsâ had negatively impacted monthly users, and that the efforts could continue to impact user numbers in the future.

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