The IRS recently ruled that under some circumstances employers can link their 401(k) matching contributions to the amount of an employee’s student loan repayments — making it easier for recent graduates to take advantage of this employer benefit. But that’s one spot of good news in a sea of bad, according to one anonymous Slashdot reader:
Two new articles criticize America’s student loan policies (under both the Obama and Trump administrations). CNBC cites reports that within six years, more than 15% of student borrowers had officially defaulted, while 10% more had stopped making payments and another 4.8% were at least 90 days late. And for-profit colleges fared even worse, where nearly 25% of graduates defaulted, and a total of 44% faced “some form of loan distress.”
These trends were masked by Department of Education reports which stopped tracking repayment rates after just three years (reporting defaults rates of just 10%), according to Ben Miller, senior director for post-secondary education at the left-leaning Center for American Progress. “Official statistics present a relatively rosy picture of student debt. But looking at outcomes over more time and in greater detail shows that hundreds of thousands more borrowers from each cohort face troubles repaying.”

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Source:: Slashdot