Computerworld suggests a strange strategy for Windows: If you can’t beat Chromebook, join Chromebook:
The eagle-eyed developers at XDA Developers have spotted a new Google Pixelbook firmware branch. This new code, “eve-campfire,” includes a new “Alt OS mode.” That “Alt OS”? WIndows 10. From the clues XDA has picked up, this looks as if it will be a real offering and not just an internal project that will never see the light of day. XDA thinks it will be a built-in dual-boot option such as Apple’s Boot Camp….

So, why offer Windows on the Chromebook…? I think it’s two things. One, Google wants to snag all those users who are still stuck on Windows because of a favorite game or required application. Two (and if I’m right, this is so sneaky of Google), Windows 10 will run like a dog on Chromebooks… would Google rub Microsoft’s face in just how much better Chromebooks are than Windows laptops by letting users see for themselves? Sure it would.

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Source:: Slashdot