On the surface, the world of agile software development is bright, since it is now mainstream. But the reality is troubling, because much of what is done is faux-agile, disregarding agile’s values and principles, writes programmer Martin Fowler. The three main challenges we should focus on are: fighting the Agile Industrial Complex and its habit of imposing process upon teams, raising the importance of technical excellence, and organizing our teams around products (rather than projects), he added. An anonymous reader shares his post: Now agile is everywhere, it’s popular, but there’s been an important shift. It was summed up quite nicely by a colleague of mine who said, “In the old days when we talked about doing agile, there was always this pushback right from the beginning from a client, and that would bring out some important conversations that we would have. Now, they say, ‘Oh, yeah, we’re doing agile already,’ but you go in there and you suddenly find there’s some very big differences to what we expect to be doing. As ThoughtWorks, we like to think we’re very deeply steeped in agile notions, and yet we’re going to a company that says, “Yeah, we’re doing agile, it’s no problem,” and we find a very different world to what we expect. Our challenge at the moment isn’t making agile a thing that people want to do, it’s dealing with what I call faux-agile: agile that’s just the name, but none of the practices and values in place. Ron Jeffries often refers to it as “Dark Agile,” or specifically “Dark Scrum.” This is actually even worse than just pretending to do agile, it’s actively using the name “agile” against the basic principles of what we were trying to do, when we talked about doing this kind of work in the late 90s and at Snowbird. So that’s our current battle. It’s not about getting agile respectable enough to have a crowd like this come to a conference like this, it’s realizing that a lot of what people are doing and calling agile, just isn’t. We have to recognize that and fight against it because some people have said, “Oh, we’re going to ‘post-agile,’ we’ve got to come up with some new word,” – but that doesn’t help the fundamental problem. It’s the values and principles that count and we have to address and keep pushing those forwards and we might as well use the same label, but we’ve got to let people know what it really stands for.

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