This week InfoWorld unveiled their annual list of “the leading open source projects for software development, cloud computing, big data, and machine learning.”

[E]ven as we grapple with the likes of microservice architecture, distributed data processing frameworks, deep neural networks, and “dapps,” we remain steadfast in our commitment to bring you — this year and every year — the best that open source has to offer.

In this year’s edition, you’ll find our picks for the best open source software development tools, cloud computing platforms, databases and data analytics tools, and machine learning and deep learning libraries. From Kubernetes and Docker to TensorFlow and PyTorch (49 projects in all), these are the projects that are ushering in the next stage of enterprise computing.
An anonymous reader writes:
Their choices for the best open source software for software development include .NET Core, Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code, and Jenkins, as well as programming languages like Kotlin, Julia, and Rust. (“By now it’s something of a cliche to talk about Rust as the next step beyond C and C++. So be it…”) And their final award for best open source development software went, surprisingly, to Vanilla JS.

“Some clever wag created a website that promises that the Vanilla JS library will be the smallest JS framework you’ll ever use and then delivers a zip file with zero bytes of code along with the suggestion that you should just use the built-in function calls in JavaScript to manipulate the DOM.”

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