Last time I talked about how I took the open source Verifla logic analyzer and modified it to have some extra features. As promised, this time I want to show it in action, so you can incorporate it into your own designs. The original code didn’t actually capture your data. Instead, it created a Verilog simulation that would produce identical outputs to your FPGA. If you were trying to do some black box simulation, that probably makes sense. I just wanted to view data, so I created a simple C program that generates a VCD file you can read with common tools like gtkwave. It is all on GitHub along with the original files, even though some of those are not updated to match the new code (notably, the PDF document and the examples).

If you have enough pins, of course, you can use an external logic analyzer. If you have enough free space on the FPGA, you could put something like SUMP or SUMP2 in your design which would be very flexible. However, since these analyzers are made to be configurable from the host computer, they probably have a lot of circuitry that will compete with yours for FPGA space. You configure Verifla at compile time which is not as convenient but lets it have a smaller footprint.


I changed the way the original code worked for configuration quite a bit. In particular, I moved the config_verifla.v file to the project directory and out of the library. Then I consolidated several items in that file and reordered them. Here’s a portion of an example file (you can read the full file on GitHub):

parameter CLOCK_FREQUENCY = 12_000_000;
// If CLOCK_FREQUENCY < 50 MHz then BAUDRATE must be < 115200 bps (for example 9600).
parameter BAUDRATE = 9600;
// The Baud Counter Size must have enough bits or more to hold this constant
parameter T2_div_T1_div_2 = CLOCK_FREQUENCY / (BAUDRATE * 16 * 2);
// Assert: BAUD_COUNTER_SIZE >= log2(T2_div_T1_div_2) bits
parameter BAUD_COUNTER_SIZE = 15;

// ********* Data Setup
// Number of data inputs (must be a multiple of 8)

// ******** Trigger
// Your data & LA_TRIGGER_MASK must equal LA_TRIGGER_VALUE to start a complete capture
parameter LA_TRIGGER_VALUE=16'h0002, LA_TRIGGER_MASK=16'h0003;

// To help store more data, the LA counts how many samples are identical
// The next parameter is the size of the repeat count. Must be a multiple of 8 bits
// If the count overflows you just get another sample that starts counting again.

// ******** Memory Setup
parameter LA_MEM_ADDRESS_BITS=10; 
parameter LA_MEM_FIRST_ADDR=0,

// Set this to 1 if you want to fill the buffer with a marker value
parameter LA_MEM_EMPTY_SLOT=8'hEE;

// ********** Below this you shouldn't have to change anything

I removed most of the comments to keep it short, but you can find detailed comments in the GitHub copy. Obviously, you need to set the clock speed and baud rate. You also need to tell the analyzer how many samples to grab at once. This must be …read more

Source:: Hackaday