On Thursday, Google began officially selling their new .dev domains to anyone, Engadget reports:
To claim a .dev, all you need to do is sign up with your registrar of choice (Google, naturally, is an option). As a bonus, Google is offering a free .dev domain to anyone who applied for a ticket to the Google I/O event happening this May.

The domains will be secure by default, as they all require HTTPS, and Google has already moved many of its own sites (including web.dev, opensource.dev and flutter.dev) to the domain.
“The internet has come a long way from the days of .com, .org and .net,” writes Engadget. “Now, you can get domains ending in anything from .cool to .ninja.”

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Source:: <a href=https://tech.slashdot.org/story/19/03/02/1445239/googles-new-dev-domain-opens-to-all?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed target="_self" title="Google's New .dev Domain Opens To All” >Slashdot