Exploit vendor Zerodium said today it would pay up to $500,000 for zero-days in popular cloud products and services such as Microsoft’s Hyper-V and (Dell) VMware’s vSphere. From a report: Both Hyper-V and vSphere are what experts call virtualization software, also called hypervisors — software that lets a single “host” server create and run one or more virtual “guest” operating systems. Virtualization software is often found in cloud-powered data centers. Hyper-V is the technology at the core of Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing platform, while VMware’s vSphere is used by Amazon Web Services and SAP.

With cloud services growing in adoption, especially for hosting websites and crucial IT infrastructure, the importance of both technologies has been slowly increasing in recent years. This paradigm shift hasn’t gone unnoticed in the exploit market, where Zerodium — a Washington, DC-based exploit vendor — is by far the leading company. In a tweet earlier today, Zerodium announced plans to pay up to $500,000 for fully-working zero-days in Hyper-V and vSphere that would allow an attacker to escape from the virtualized guest operating system to the host server’s OS.

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