Despite the spread of anti-vaccine misinformation, “censorship cannot be the only answer,” argues the EFF, adding that “removing entire categories of speech from a platform does little to solve the underlying problems.”

“Tech companies and online platforms have other ways to address the rapid spread of disinformation, including addressing the algorithmic ‘megaphone’ at the heart of the problem and giving users control over their own feeds… ”

Anti-vax information is able to thrive online in part because it exists in a data void in which available information about vaccines online is “limited, non-existent, or deeply problematic.” Because the merit of vaccines has long been considered a decided issue, there is little recent scientific literature or educational material to take on the current mountains of disinformation. Thus, someone searching for recent literature on vaccines will likely find more anti-vax content than empirical medical research supporting vaccines. Censoring anti-vax disinformation won’t address this problem.

Even attempts at the impossible task of wiping anti-vax disinformation from the Internet entirely will put it beyond the reach of researchers, public health professionals, and others who need to be able to study it and understand how it spreads. In a worst-case scenario, well-intentioned bans on anti-vax content could actually make this problem worse. Facebook, for example, has over-adjusted in the past to the detriment of legitimate educational health content…

Platforms must address one of the root causes behind disinformation’s spread online: the algorithms that decide what content users see and when. And they should start by empowering users with more individualized tools that let them understand and control the information they see…. Users shouldn’t be held hostage to a platform’s proprietary algorithm. Instead of serving everyone “one algorithm to rule them all” and giving users just a few opportunities to tweak it, platforms should open up their APIs to allow users to create their own filtering rules for their own algorithms. News outlets, educational institutions, community groups, and individuals should all be able to create their own feeds, allowing users to choose who they trust to curate their information and share their preferences with their communities.

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Source:: Slashdot