Slashdot reader Nicola Hahn argues that at first, Edward Snowden’s revelations six years ago “put mass surveillance and state sponsored hacking center stage,” leading to other revelations like the ANT Catalogue, the Equation Group tools, and the Vault 7 leaks:

In the wake of these developments a number of high-ranking officials scrambled to justify clandestine programs. Executives likewise recalibrated their stance toward the government and lawmakers worked to defend our civil liberties. Yet despite the tumult of the post-Snowden era and the debates that ensued, has it actually changed anything? Or did society merely offer a collective shrug to the looming threat of pervasive monitoring, surrendering to the convenience of mobile devices?

One observer who has warily followed the aftermath of the Snowden affair believes that most people followed the latter path and that it does not bode well for civilization.

That observer is Bill Blunden, who asks this question in an essay at Counterpunch.

“After all the breathless headlines, Hollywood movies, book deals, Pulitzer prizes, and glossy primetime biopics. What, pray tell, has come of it?”

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