Anteater – CI/CD Security Gate Check Framework

Anteater is a CI/CD Security Gate Check Framework to prevent the unwanted merging of nominated strings, filenames, binaries, deprecated functions, staging environment code/credentials etc.

It’s main function is to block content based on regular expressions.

Anything that can be specified with regular expression syntax, can be sniffed out by Anteater. You tell Anteater exactly what you don’t want to get merged, and anteater looks after the rest.

How Anteater CI/CD Security Gate Check Framework Works

If Anteater finds something, it exits with a non-zero code which in turn fails the build of your CI tool, with the idea that it would prevent a pull request merging.

Read the rest of Anteater – CI/CD Security Gate Check Framework now! Only available at Darknet.

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Source:: Darknet