H_Fisher writes: Movie-watchers (in the U.S. at least) already have to sit through 20+ minutes of commercials and other advertainment before showtime. Now, two major theater chains are mixing commercials in with movie trailers in a bid to generate more cash. According to the report, “regular commercials will run for five minutes after the lights go off and before the trailers at two of the country’s largest circuits, Regal Cinemas and Cinemark Theatres. And one 60-second ‘platinum’ spot from a top-tier brand will roll before the second-to-last or last trailer.” National CineMedia says that other worldwide markets have been watching ads alongside trailers for years, “with no significant consumer backlash.” Right now, after the lights go down, Cinemark shows 15 minutes worth of trailers before the actual movie begins while Regal’s trailer block runs 15 to 20 minutes, according to the news report.

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