“Despite repeated denials, China stands accused of a systematic cover-up to hide the continuing practice of forced organ harvesting and murder,” reports Forbes’ cybersecurity writer Zak Doffman:

The practice, described as “state-run mass murder” and valued at $1 billion each year, has supposedly been outlawed in the country. But a new report, published on November 14 in the BMC Medical Ethics journal, refutes this, accusing China of a “systematic falsification and manipulation of official organ transplant datasets,” as the killings continue.

In June, I reported on the China Tribunal in London, which found evidence of “forced organ harvesting” from Chinese prisoners, including Falun Gong practitioners and Uighur Muslims. The Tribunal’s final judgment concluded that this “forced organ harvesting has been committed for years throughout China on a significant scale, [and] the tribunal has had no evidence that the significant infrastructure associated with China’s transplantation industry has been dismantled…” With China’s illegal organ transplant industry said to be worth $1 billion each year, the country is determined to deflect the international outcry that has intensified as details of the organ harvesting have come to light. But this latest report casts doubt over claims of reform, exposing a material delta between the estimated number of transplants and the state’s official statistics. In short, a new system of voluntary donations has been operating alongside and not instead of forced extractions.

The giveaway, according to the report, is patterns in the data provided by China which are too neat to be genuine — they were falsified.

In short, the article claims that China is “artificially manufacturing organ transplant donation data.”

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