Tuxedo Computers “has teamed up with Manjaro to tease not one, not two, but several” Linux laptops, Forbes reports:

The Tuxedo Computers InfinityBook Pro 15…can be loaded with up to 64GB of RAM, a 10th-generation Intel Core i7 CPU, and as high as a 2TB Samsung EVO Plus NVMe drive. You can also purchase up to a 5-year warranty, and user-installed upgrades will not void the warranty…

Manjaro Lead Project Developer Philip Müller also teased a forthcoming AMD Ryzen laptop [on Forbes’ “Linux For Everyone” podcast]. “Yes, we are currently evaluating which models we want to use because the industry is screaming for that,” Müller says. “In the upcoming weeks we might get some of those for internal testing. Once they’re certified and the drivers are ready, we’ll see when we can launch those.” Müller also tells me they’re prepping what he describes as a “Dell XPS 13 killer.”

“It’s 10th-generation Intel based, we will have it in 14-inch with a 180-degree lid, so you can lay it flat on your desk if you like,” he says.

The Manjaro/Tuxedo Computers partnership will also offer some intense customization options, Forbes adds.

“Want your company logo laser-etched on the lid? OK. Want to swap out the Manjaro logo with your logo on the Super key? Sure, no problem. Want to show off your knowledge of fictional alien races? Why not get a 100% Klingon keyboard?”

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