There’s a Three Stooges movie where aliens try to attack the earthlings where it will hurt them the most — Disneyland.
The Los Angeles Times points out that in fact the park has been closed just three times in the park’s 65-year-history.

But now Business Insider reports:

As the spread of the novel coronavirus impacts cities and communities around the world, Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, announced that it will close until the end of the month. It’s the first time the park has closed since 9/11… On Friday, representatives for Disneyland announced that the park will donate all excess food inventory that would have otherwise gone to waste during the resort’s temporary closure to an Orange County, California, food bank…
Disney World in Orlando, Florida, is also closing starting Sunday until the end of the month, and Disney is also closing its cruise line and international parks in France and Asia for the time being.

31,000 Disneyland employees will now get an 18-day paid vacation starting Saturday, reports the Orange Country Register. And they also described the scene on the last day that Disneyland was open:
One young woman put on a black mask for a photo op in front of the Pixar Pal-A-Round Ferris wheel and immediately removed it after a series of selfies. She admitted the mask was little more than a fashion statement for social media purposes.

“I can’t breathe in that thing,” she said with a laugh.

of this story at Slashdot.

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Source:: Slashdot