Day: March 15, 2020

Volkwagen Touts Massive Energy Storage Potential of Vehicle-to-Grid Electric Car Batteries

Volkswagen’s chief strategist Michael Jost predicts their vehicle-to-grid electric car batteries could open up a new business opportunity: selling their electricity back to the power grid during peak demand. Reuters reports: “By 2025 we will have 350 gigawatt hours worth of energy storage at our disposal through our electric car fleet. Between 2025 and 2030…

Apple, Google, Amazon block nonofficial coronavirus apps from app stores – CNET

Apple and Amazon are only accepting COVID-19 and coronavirus-related apps from “recognized entities,” Google is pointing people toward the WHO’s website. …read more Source:: CNet

Apple Issues Guidelines For Disinfecting iPhones

AmiMoJo quotes MacRumors: Apple today updated its support document on cleaning Apple products with new information that confirms it’s okay to to use a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes for the purpose of cleaning germs from your devices. Prior to now, Apple’s cleaning guidelines have recommended against all cleaners, warning that…

Responding to Coronavirus, Apple Closes All Apple Stores Outside China

Willy English writes: Apple will be temporarily closing its stores outside Greater China until March 27 but its online stores will still be open. In a tweet, CEO Tim Cook said that “we must do all we can to prevent the spread of COVID-19….” He added that the iPhone-maker will also be committing $15 million…

Top Infectious Disease Expert Does Not Rule Out Supporting Temporary National Lockdown To Combat COVID-19

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Coronavirus Tracking App Locks Up Android Phones For Ransom

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Browser Vendor Leaks Data Via Open Server

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

A Practical Look at Chokes for EMI Control

Radio frequency electronics can seem like a black art even to those who intentionally delve into the field. But woe betide the poor soul who only incidentally has to deal with it, such as when seeking to minimize electromagnetic interference. This primer on how RF chokes work to reduce EMI is a great way to…

NASA Wants You To Help Track Satellite Light Pollution

Long-time Slashdot reader AmiMoJo quotes SlashGear: NASA wants the public to help it track very-low Earth orbit (VLEO) satellites and the potential light pollution issues they may cause. The space agency launched a public science project that anyone can participate in, stating that it only requires a tripod, smartphone, and the use of a website…

IBM and AT&T Tell Employees To Work From Home

Slashdot reader Willy English quotes CNBC: AT&T is asking all of its employees who have the ability to work remotely to do so until further notice, as the coronavirus spreads across the globe. The company will be announcing new procedures and safeguards for employees who canĂ¢(TM)t work from home, AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson said in…