Day: March 15, 2020

Smart home developers raise concerns about Alexa and Google Assistant security – CNET

A year-old Amazon and Google data policy still makes smart home device makers nervous. …read more Source:: CNet

A Best Buy salesman told me he wished Apple made the Galaxy S20

Samsung’s new phones haven’t enjoyed the best reviews. But I went to see them for myself and hear what salespeople had to say. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Disneyland Is Closed. 31,000 Employees Given 18-Day Paid Vacation

There’s a Three Stooges movie where aliens try to attack the earthlings where it will hurt them the most — Disneyland. The Los Angeles Times points out that in fact the park has been closed just three times in the park’s 65-year-history. But now Business Insider reports: As the spread of the novel coronavirus impacts…

Rover Runs Slow And Steady On Solar Power

The solar panel technology we have available today doesn’t really lend itself to practical everyday transport. But when speed isn’t a concern, it can make for some very interesting autonomous rovers. One example of this is [Daniel Riley] aka [rctestflight]’s solar powered rover, which he built to live autonomously at his flight testing field, crawling…

Best PS4 games to catch up on while you’re stuck at home – CNET

Here is my personal list for my newfound extra time. Plus, games for new gamers, games to help with escapism, games for a nice challenge and more. …read more Source:: CNet

Best 2-in-1 PCs in 2020 for when you need a laptop and tablet in one – CNET

Whether you want something that’s more tablet than laptop or more laptop than tablet, there’s one here to meet your needs and budget. …read more Source:: CNet

Words With Friends 2 designer talks women in tech and imposter syndrome – CNET

“I realized along the way that my voice was just as important,” said Michelle David, a UX designer at Zynga. …read more Source:: CNet

Oracle Rejects Argument That Before Suing Google, It Got Rich By Copying IBM’s SQL

Ars Technica’s senior tech reporter took a long long at Google’s reimplementation of Java in Android — and the lawsuit filed against it by Oracle in 2010. And he discovers “a possible downside” to Oracle’s stance on API copyrights. If anyone should understand the importance of such copying, it’s Oracle. After all, Oracle got its…

Digital Designer Teaches High School

We wish we had met [Mr. Mueller] when we were in high school. After 20 years as a digital design engineer, he decided to teach a digital electronics class at the high school level at LASA high school in Austin, Texas. He’s been doing it for seven years and has made his course material available…

Oracle Criticized For Questioning Google’s Supporters In Java API Copyright Case

America’s Supreme Court will soon decide whether Google infringed on a copyright that Oracle says it holds on the APIs of Java. But this week Oracle’s executive vice president also wrote a blog post arguing that Google “sought the support of outside groups to bolster its position” by using friend-of-the-court briefs to “create the impression…