A project out of design studio Libermann Kiepe Reddemann (LKR) in Hamburg, Germany, in conjunction with designer Elias Hanzer, Times New Arial is a variable font that combines two of the most instantly recognizable fonts of the last two decades. From a report: Variable fonts are children of the internet. They’re single font files that can dynamically adjust their height, width, slant, or other attributes without the need for a larger font file size, which makes them great for responsive web design. “The possibility to use custom fonts in the world wide web is rather new and has only been possible since the introduction of CSS2 in 1998,” LKR explains. “Until then it was only possible to use fonts for the web that were installed on the user’s computer, the so-called system fonts.” Those system fonts were Times New Roman — the serif option — and Arial — the grotesque or sans-serif one. That’s why, according to LKR, that pair of fonts “nowadays embody default and nostalgic web design.” In an interview with It’s Nice That, LKR’s David Liebermann says, “We wanted to combine this conventional aesthetic with new technical possibility in order to revive and refine them, so in turn, we could experiment with them in our projects.”

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Source:: Slashdot