27 years ago today, in 1993, Debian first appeared in the world. August 16th has since been recognized as “DebianDay,” celebrated shortly before the annual Debian Conference — with lots of ways to get involved, according to Debian.org:
Today is also an opportunity for you to start or resume your contributions to Debian. For example, you can scratch your creative itch and suggest a wallpaper to be part of the artwork for the next release, have a look at the DebConf20 schedule and register to participate online (August 23rd to 29th, 2020), or put a Debian live image in a DVD or USB and give it to some person near you, who still didn’t discover Debian.
Our favorite operating system is the result of all the work we do together. Thanks to everybody who has contributed in these 27 years, and happy birthday Debian!

And the same day is also the 25th anniversary of CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network:
On the 16th August 1995, Andreas König uploaded Symdump 1.20 to CPAN. There were other things already on CPAN, but this was the first true upload, to be followed by more than 6,500 people who have released over 35,000 distributions in 230k releases.

So it seems appropriate that 16th August be designated CPAN Day, to celebrate CPAN, and all the authors who’ve made it what it is.

That blog post urges readers to celebrate the anniversary “by doing something related to CPAN: release something, blog about your favourite module, or email its author thanking her or him.”
Finally, Slashdot reader JobSnijders reminds us that Mutt is also enjoying a birthday:
The email client that aims to suck a little bit less celebrates its 25th anniversary!

of this story at Slashdot.

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Source:: Slashdot